St. lija (Elijah) Banjani
North-west of Skopje, on Banjska river valley near the village Banjani the church is St. Ilija (Elijah) is located.
There are no written documents and historical data for closer dating of church St. Elijah. It is a small single-nave church, glued to north side to a cliff. Apse on the outside is a three-sided.
Inside the church are recognized two layers of frescoes. The second layer has no major artistic value; however, according to the preserved remains of the first layer, it could be assumed that the church was built in the XIV century
Especially impressive is the monastery hospice (in), where the visitors are welcomed to spend their night. They are also very famous, since scenes from many Macedonian TV series and movies are recorded within.
St. Ilija church and its sorounnding is a wonderfull picnic place whish attracts many touristst.